10 Min Booty Legs and Core with The Ball
Pilates Stability Ball Workout
Get a leg up and get on the ball
With this intense 10 minute Pilates ball workout
The Stability ball will make every single movement very unstable so you will be using more core
Your core is what keeps the ball steady- and you from toppling over- when doing these moves
Today’s workout will target and tone your thighs hips butt abs obliques and shoulders
We will work standing kneeling, planking, and side lying positions.
This is an intermediate to advanced workout- but you can always leave a move out
We will be building strength and definition in the lower body and core.
Building lean muscle and strength will help burn fat and give you a sleek and combined physique when combined with proper nutrition
Wanna really tone up?
Do this workout and check out last weeks workout with the button below!
All photos Sean Swann