How To Achieve Mind & Body Wellness
Healthy body, healthy mind. It’s the oldest cliche in the book, but the old adage is true.
So, it makes sense to develop a physical fitness strategy that also promotes emotional wellbeing.
In today’s world balancing work life and social obligations can be quite the struggle. But when we are physically and mentally healthy- we will be better at work and play!
Here are some tips to bring more mindfulness into your workouts
Introduce Mind & Body Exercise
Pilates and Yoga are my go tos!
All exercise is good exercise, but different movement forms can achieve different goals. They both will keep your body supple while boosting its core strength.
Pilates is all about controlling your mind and body. When Joseph Pilates first created it - it was called Pilates. It is by go to for stress reduction because I am so in tune and focused on my movements I don’t have the capacity to think of anything else! All of the moves will strength and stretch your body. All the moves are times with deep breathing which activates the parasympathetic nervous system- which controls sleep & relaxation
Yoga is a soothing way to connect to your breath and focus on calming your nerves. Deep breathing has been proven to ease anxiety by taking you out of fight or flight mode. Practicing yoga will actively promote a sense of peace in your life.
You may think intense exercise stresses you out -but that’s truly not the case.
Ask any crossfitter martial artist or hiit enthusiast -they’d say it helps keep them content and positive. Initially short burst of exercise will increase adrenaline and cortisol but if you make it a habit your body will adapt.
Boxers report that hitting a punchbag releases stress and anger Just like runners get that’s runner’s high- a challenging series can help you forget life’s problems and allow you to focus on hitting your goals.
Stay Hydrated
Increased hydration can play a great role in fueling your workouts and every function in your body.
Water really is life! And most of us really do NOT drink enough. When we exercise we should be drinking even more. This should give you enough of an incentive to invest in a smart water bottle and a home filter tap or filter jug. Aside from helping your body stay physically fit for workouts, hydration keeps you alert and energetic. It helps to clear your skin, aids digestion, and without it our bodies do not function properly. I love squeezing lemon into mine.
Besides, this single step can make a huge impact on your bid to control food portions and maintain healthy eating habits
Take a walk outside
Walking is the easiest and most cost effective form of exercise.
It will boost your endorphins and is a great way to build movement into your daily habits. It can be enjoyable and effortless which is a great way to train your brain to like exercise.
Studies show that walking in nature reduces tension and can help fight depression. Research also shows low intensity activity is the best way to encourage positive thinking and improving alertness
Make it Social
Human interaction is the key to happiness.
It makes sense to ensure that at least some of your fitness activities are focused on connecting with other people. Team sports and fitness classes stand out as the two obvious choices. Team sports been proven to boost mental health. Fitness classes are just coming back post pandemic, so be sure to bring a mask, or participate on Zoom
When you’re having fun, it doesn’t matter if the journey to peak fitness takes a little longer. Because it will become a hobby rather than a chore. Perfect!
Photo by Jose Mendez
This age old practice can help you calm down, feel better in your body, cope with challenges and in general enhance your life.
Even just a few minutes a day can have a powerful impact on your life. To start just take a seat for a few minutes close your eyes and breathe deep. If your mind wanders don’t beat yourself up- just refocus back to your breath. There are tons of apps with guided meditation free in in Apple’s App store and Google play
Track Progress
In many ways, exercise is its own reward.
However, you cannot ignore the mental boost that comes from hitting goals and seeing progress. So, setting achievable targets and using various metrics to monitor your development is vital. The winning feeling will inspire you to keep striving for more. You won’t regret it.
I recommend that you reward yourself when you hit a goal. Perhaps you can treat yourself to a massage if you exercised 5 days a week for 60 days, or took a certain number of Pilates or Yoga classes within a framed amount of time.
Rest is often overlooked- but it’s truly what we need physically and mentally to stay in peak form. This is especially true if you are participating in intense exercise. Taking an ice bath or using a massage gun can work wonders. In truth, though, focusing on your sleep patterns is far more important.
When the body is able to rest and recover in the right way, you will have a far easier time of staying consistent. Do not underestimate it for a second.
Additionally- make sure you schedule in some time for fun. Whether its time with friends, watching a movie, getting your nails done or anything that keeps a smile on your face!
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
Do you have that inner critic or bish inside your head? Do they tell you you’re not good enough or harsh you for skipping a workout?
Learn how to tune out negative self talk. Focusing on negative thoughts may lead to decreased motivation as well as a slew of other not so great emotions. if you miss a workout focus on the positive. Think of the other workouts or good things you did to keep yourself well this week.