Best Ways To Overcome Stress

2020 has been a record breaking year for things like stress depression and anxiety.

Therapists are booked solid as we seek to rebalance our sense of well being

We can’t see our family, friends and co-workers. We’re working from home and perhaps simultaneously homeschooling kids. In March our lives were turned completely upside down and it was traumatic AF

It’s more important than ever that we take care of our headspace.

Whether you have suffered from mental health issues in the past or have found this year difficult, why not come up with a plan to get yourself back on track in the New Year?

Here are some of the top ways to take care of your mental health in 2021.

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Eat well

Your nutrition is so important to your mental health.

While you might fancy tucking into some junk food such as fried and processed Mickey Dees when you’re feeling crappy, it rarely makes you feel better

It will give you an initial mood boost, but then comes the crash that makes you feel worse than before. Once in a while a sweet or salty treat won’t harm you but keeping your blood sugar and cholesterol in check long term will benefit you. Keep in mind your heart blood pressure is rising in stressful situations.

Instead fill your body with nutrients and vitamins that can help put you in a positive mindset. If you are after someone to help you more with nutrition resources, check out Kristen Blake who is holistic nutritionist. Fill your fridge with healthier snacks and lots of fruits and veggies.


This centuries old practice works short term and long term.

I started my meditation journey and nothing helped calm my frazzled brain more. It restored my sense of peace within and I was able to see things more clear and make better decisions . It can help us to recognize neagtive thought patterns and bring your mind back to what you need to focus on.

With so many styles out there, it can be overwhelming to choose from, but my favorite is definitely Insight Timer. and Zophie who specializes in anxiety relief.

Photo by Sean Swann

Photo by Sean Swann

Mindfulness activities

When you’re feeling anxious, find something to just chill

There are many mindfulness activities and some of them are almost mindless. You could take a bath, read a book, do some painting or adult coloring. Try out different things and see which makes you feel the most relaxed. The point is not so much to be great at it, but just to zone out and enjoy what you’re doing.


Never underestimate the power of movement!

There are so many ways to do it and it is a brilliant way to get the blood pumping and your endorphins flowing. Don’t be put off thinking you have to do something super strenuous,as you know I’m a huge Pilates lover and it’s helped to keep me fit and happy for years.

Pilates can be gentle and is great one for mindfulness and can be done through my Youtube videos at home if you can’t get out to go to a class.

Photo by Sean Swann

Photo by Sean Swann

Practice Gratitude

It sounds crazy to be thankful in tough times….

But I truly believe that things could always be worse, and things will always get better. Finding a few things to be grateful for each morning helped me to shift my focus and set up for a more positive experience. Many studies over the past decade have found that people who say thanks tend to be more content and less likely to be depressed. Long term being satisfied with what you have prevents you from yearning for things that may be out of reach.

Keep in touch with loved ones

When it comes to feeling balanced and connected, one of the best healers is to talk to your framily.

It could be your parent, partner or friend, whichever it is, remember that a problem shared is a problem halved. They could put your fears into perspective and help you rationalize them. With zoom and facetime it’s just great to see their faces and smiles!

Deep Breathing

Breathe In Breathe Out

Stress levels mess with your nervous system which in turn messes with your hormone system and throws things like cortisol out of whack. Cortisol regulates your metabloism and this is why stress levels and weight gain and loss go hand in hand

Deep breathing can help activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the relaxation response. And you can do it anywhere anytime. You can close your eyes and count to 5 for an inhale and 5 for an exhale.

Dance Like No One’s Watching

Because in Self Isolation No One Is:)

Throw your favorite playlist or song on, pump up the volume and lose yourself to the music for a few. It doesnt matter if it’s headphones or speakers dancing is an outlet for expression and will combat stress and put a smile on your face. Just a few minutes or a few songs will put you in a better mood- try it!

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Seek Counseling

Break the Stigma

Don’t wait till things are out of control and you can’t get out of bed for days or weeks. The mental health effects of the pandemic are simply unknown. Suicide and relapse rates are skyrocketing and I will not gloss this over. You are worthy of feeling happy and if you’re not feeling like yourself, it’s not your fault and you don’t have to face it alone.

Mental health professionals like counselors and psychotherapists can help you find answers, gain awareness and teach you to cope better. Many cities have low income and affordable options and some therapists work on sliding scales.

These are just a few ways that you can take care of your headspace in 2021.

Things still uncertain and none of us have a crystal ball. As the pandemic rages on-so can stress.

When you feel these feelings creeping up on you, try one or two of the steps above.

I hope they help you!