Jessi Fit Pilates

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10 Ways To Get More Gainz

Who’s got time to waste?

Were all doing too much and even if we have all the time in the world- we want the time spent on our wellness works to be time well spent.

Let’s talk about the most effective ways to maximize results and get closer to your goals


The secret to a successful wellness endeavor is consistency.

Pair it with frequency and thats truly the secret sauce to really getting results

A one-off workout can make you feel better, but if you want long term results- it has to be done over and over to see results. When you commit to a workout plan you commit to increasing your fitness and health levels while improving mental health with that dopamine boost. Your workouts, eating and meditation sleeping plans- all require consistent action in order to see the benefits.

For workouts- 3- 4 times a week is best and light cardio like walking should be done every day- think of it like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Meditation and eating right really need to be enacted on most days. Starting that meditation journey can help alleviate stress levels and get you to feel better and help you to focus easier. Moving your body consistently or daily os one of the best goals you can make as you try to build healthier habits. The more you move the more yo get to know your body and the better your form will be and thats the best way to prevent injuries too. Plus youll sleep better and it will help build a healthy heart and ward off things like depression.


Want better gainz? Chances are you need more zzzzz.

Most Americans are sleep deprived to begin according to the CDC 30 percent of us do not get 7 hours or more of shut eye. Sleep is when we repair the body and its when we produce growth hormone. Sleep helps to help regulate our brain function- all things we need to feel good!

The role of sleep is to build your energy stores so if you’re working out you actually need more sleep - not less. Sleep is also when we repair our immune and endocrine systems- without enough of it we can get sick and feel out of whack. When you dont sleep enough workouts will seem harder you won’t perform them with great form and if you’re tired- you won’t want to work out. So plan ahead and plan some sleepy time in!    

Using Music 

Music can invigorate, relax or boost your mood which in turn can motivate you to achieve your goals.

Studies have shown that music can help you work out longer and harder. For best results- mix up your playlist because listening to the same thing over and over can desensitize you to it and slow the gainz from it. So put on those headphones and pipe up your playlist- just make sure it’s long enough for your workout.   

Using CBD 

CBD is an extract from a hemp plant that does not contain any psychotropic effects.

What it does contain are endocannabinoids that bind to receptors in the brain and help with a range of physical and mental conditions such as inflammation, anxiety, pain relief, and improved sleep. 

Using CBD is also excellent for improving workout performance and recovery times. Taking some CBD for Energy before you enter the gym helps to relax your muscles and improve your performance. Post-workout, CBD oil supports muscle regeneration and boosts sleep for healing.   


When you think of meditation, you probably don’t associate it with improved workouts or performance benefits. However a regular meditation practice can help to improve your performance on the mat with better concentration and better recovery thanks to stress reduction and greater feelings of relaxation. When you feel relaxed and less stiff - it makes the workouts easier to get through and more effective

Meditating before a workout helps to reduce your stress levels and focus your mind helping you to tune in and find your form and flow. Meditation after a workout helps to settle your adrenaline levels and neurochemicals. Using mindfulness while working out helps you maintain postures runs and sessions for longer.   

Intermittent Fasting 

Intermittent fasting is an excellent way to change your body composition in a healthy way;

it means eating a healthy diet at the right times of day while remaining marginally hungry. It’s safe to couple this diet with your normal workout routine, but pay attention to your blood sugar levels while exercising. A plan that restricts calories such as intermittent Fasting was shown to increase performance in trained athletes in a study- and many people report great fat loss gains from fasted cardio. Additionally IF addresses hormonal imbalances and may help sleep- both which will help max your gainz. As always consult with your doc before starting a nutritional plan especially if you have underlying conditions.

Interval Training 

It might be time to switch things up and try something new to shake up a fitness plateau

Interval training is simply alternating short intense bursts of exercise with longer bouts of lower intensity exercise. Studies have shown that increases fitness and burns more calories over a short period of time than steady-state cardio. Interval training is an excellent way to burn fat faster; according to some studies, interval training burns 15 calories per minute more than average. 

And you can really try it with anything- Pilates Cardio weights- jist pick a hard move and an easier move and alternate them with no rest. Try 15 seconds on and 45 to start then try to lower the resting phase to 30 seconds

Micro Workouts 

Are you so busy but you really wanna get some sort of exercise in???

When you do find time to get to the gym, is it barely effective- because it is not regular enough? If you’re in this situation, you need to find ways to get the most out of your workouts. 

Micro workouts could be the answer. A micro workout is a short and intense workout that you can carry out on your breaks or short time periods before or after your work or life commitments. Micro workouts might be short, but they’re effective because they are regular and compounding. 

Recovery Times 

Yes we know consistent action is key to workouts but sometimes - too many workouts can be too much.

If you can’t complete your workouts- your performance drops and or your way more than usual- you may be overtraining and it’s time for a day or two off. Recovery Days allow you to recuperate in between sessions. Taking a break can also increase mental clarity giving you a chance to celebrate any wins and make plans for your next few days so you stay on track


Getting more gain from your workouts usually involves supplements because additional nutrients just may be needed since most of us do not get them from the food we eat.

If you’re busy and not getting all the servings of fruits vegetables and electrolytes in- it’s advisable to look into at least a multi vitamin to help your body stay fueled with the right micronutrients.

Protein supplements are excellent for building lean mass, supporting workout recovery, and creatine can improve performance. CBD oil reduces inflammation and improves recovery times by improving sleep.

These are some great way to start if you’re looking for a boost to your workouts!

Now go get those gainz!

All images Jose Mendez